Employee Document Management

Document Types (formerly called Upload Types) have been enhanced to support employee documentation management and storage. This enhancement enables users to upload and store employee documents to streamline documentation processes and facilitate compliance.

Document Permissions

The ability to manage document types is permission-based. To give a user access to view, add, edit, and delete employee documents:

1. Navigate to the Employee Center under the Employees tab.

2. Locate the employee and select Permissions from the Quick Links menu in the top right of the user’s profile.

3. In the Administration section, expand the User subsection.

4. Select the Document permissions (View Document Uploads, Add Document Uploads, Edit Document Uploads, Delete Document Uploads).

5. Click Save.

Add New Document Type

To add a new Document Type:

Under the Admin tab, hover over New and select Document Type from the drop-down menu.

Admin NewDocument Type

In the New Document Type window, enter a Document Name and select a Category (Employee, Client, or Both).

  • Employee documents will appear in the Document Types menu when adding documents to an employee profile.
  • Client documents will appear in the Document Types menu when adding documents to a client profile.
  • Documents in the Both category will appear in the Document Types menu for both profiles.

Click Save.

Upload Employee Documents

  1. Navigate to the Employee Center from the Employees tab.
  2. Hover over Documents in the top left corner of the employee’s profile and select New Document from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select a name from the Document Name menu.
  4. Click Choose File to browse and upload the file.
  5. Finish by selecting Upload or Upload & Add New to upload an additional document.

Employees Employee Center Documents New Document

Manage Employee Documents

To view an employee’s documents, select View Documents from the Documents menu in the top left corner of the employee’s profile.

At the top of the User Documents List, find specific documents using the Filter by Text and/or Date Range filters. Users with edit/delete permissions have access to the Edit and Delete buttons in the Action column on the right side of the screen.

Edit enables users to change the document name. Once the user edits the document name and clicks Save, the name updates on the User Documents screen.

Updated on 10/03/2019