
Axxess Home Care has transitioned to the Medi-Span drug database. Medi-Span improves patient care by helping users make informed decisions and provide results that are relevant to the clinical decision-making process.

To add a medication, users must have permission to add medications in Axxess Home Care.

Medication Profile Permission

To give a user permission to add medications, navigate to the user’s employee profile in the Employee Center and select Permissions from the Quick Links menu. In the Clinical section, expand the Medication Profile subsection and select the box next to Add. Click Save to finish granting the permission to the user.

Employees tab ➜ Employee Center ➜ Select an Employee ➜ Quick Links ➜ Permissions ➜ Clinical ➜ Medication Profile ➜ Add ➜ Save

New Patient Workflow

To access the medication profile for patients with no active or discontinued medications, navigate to the client’s chart or the Medications tab of a client’s assessment.

On the Medication Profile screen, select Add Medication, enter the medication name in the Medication and Dosage section and select Search for Medication. The medication name and dosage are pulled from the Medi-Span database.

Once the medication is selected, it will appear in the Classification section.

Readmit Patient Workflow

To access the medication profile for patients with no active medications but discontinued medications, navigate to the client’s chart or the Medications tab of a client’s assessment.

On the Medication Profile screen, select Add Medication, enter the medication name in the Medication and Dosage section and select Search for Medication.

When activating a discontinued medication, hover over the Actions column and select Activate.

Select Search for Medication before activation to access the Medi-Span database. If Activate is selected prior to searching the database, users will receive a pop-up message. If the message is not acknowledged and users proceed with activation, the medication will not be included in the Drug Interactions section of the Medication Profile.

For additional information on Medi-Span, click here.

Updated on 06/05/2024