Mileage and Travel Time Calculator Enhancements

Axxess Home Care now gives organizations greater control over mileage and travel time settings. Organizations can choose whether to automatically calculate mileage, travel time or both, and which users should receive mileage and/or travel time calculations for reimbursement.

This functionality streamlines operations and decreases costs by minimizing manual steps in the payroll process.

Enable the Mileage and Travel Time Calculator

To enable the mileage and travel time calculator in Axxess Home Care, navigate to Company Setup under the Admin tab. On the Payroll tab, navigate to the Mileage and Travel Time section. Under Mileage and Travel Time Calculator, select Enable.

Admin tab ➜ Company Setup ➜ Payroll tab ➜ Mileage and Travel Time ➜ Mileage and Travel Time Calculator ➜ Enable

Enter a date in the Effective Date field to indicate which visits should be calculated. Check the boxes to include mileage, travel time or both.

Under Include Mileage, select employees by title or individually in the Allowed Employees Manager field to indicate which employees should be reimbursed for mileage. Under Include Travel Time, select employees by title or individually in the Allowed Employees Manager field to indicate which employees should be reimbursed for travel time.

The calculated amounts will be visible the day after the visit has been completed (green visit status).

Mileage is calculated using Google Maps technology to determine the distance in miles between one client and another. Travel time is calculated using Google Maps technology to determine the time between one client and another.

Once the mileage and travel time calculator is enabled, the Associated Mileage and/or Travel Time fields on the applicable visit notes will be grayed out. The automatically calculated mileage and/or travel time will appear on the print and download view of the note, as well as the Task Details page for the visit.

The Associated Mileage and Travel Time fields will remain editable on the Task Details screen in case the organization needs to adjust the values. The calculations will then flow to payroll and billing as standard workflows based on the organization setup.

Adding a New User

When adding a new user after the mileage and travel time calculator is enabled in Company Setup, users will have the option to select Mileage and/or Travel Time on the Information tab depending on selections made in Company Setup.

Updated on 06/16/2022