The Axxess Home Care mobile application has updated the home screen by easing navigation between the past due, QA returned and scheduled visit screens. Additionally, users can now view today’s visits directly from the home screen, eliminating the need to access the Schedule tab. These enhancements streamline operations and promote ease of use by creating more efficient visit management.
At the top of the screen, the following tabs are now available:
Past Due: Displays past due visits.
QA Returned: Displays visits returned by quality assurance (QA).
Scheduled: Displays current and upcoming visits.
The red, numbered circle icon displays the number of the visits within each tab.
Today’s Visits are reflected in the middle of the screen and display the following information:
Client Name
Visit Type and Time
House Icon: Indicates EVV status.
Documentation Status
Arrow Icon: Directs the user to the Visit Notes section to complete documentation.
Select the Route Visits button at the bottom of the screen to map visits. When selected, the Route Visit Detail screen appears and displays the following information:
Route Map: Displays the route from the user’s location to the client’s location.
Visit Date: Displays the visit date. Click the Visit Date field to view additional date fields.
Visits: Displays the number of visits on the current date.
Location Icon: Displays the number of locations.
Clock Icon: Displays the amount of time from the user’s location to the client’s location.
Route Icon: Displays the distance from the user’s location to the client’s location.
Directions: Directs the user to the map for directions.
Selecting the Past Due tab on the home screen directs the user to a new window where past due, scheduled and completed visits are displayed.
The Past Due, Scheduled and Completed tabs display the following information:
Client Name
Visit Type and Time (On the Completed tab, the Visit Date is also displayed)
House Icon: Indicates EVV status.
Documentation Status
Cloud Icon: Directs the user to download an offline visit.
The QA Returned tab displays the following information:
Visit Date
Client Name
Visit Type
Returned Visit Status
Message Icon
Select the message icon to open and view the latest visit comment. Click the Comment window to view the comment in its entirety. Select OK when complete.
On any tab, users can refer back to the number of visits in various statuses by selecting the blue downward arrow icon.
Select the filter icon at the top of the screen to filter visits. On the Filter Tasks window, visits can be filtered by Client Name, Date Range and EVV Status. Visits can also be sorted by Client Name, Date Range and EVV Status. Click Apply Filters once the desired filters have been selected. Click Reset Filters to reset the filters. Select Close to close the Filter Tasks window.
To access electronic ID badges, select the Menu tab at the bottom of the screen and click Electronic ID Badge to view the badge.
Updated on 03/05/2025