
Temperature in COVID-19 Screenings

Axxess Home Care now enables users to record reported temperatures when screening clients, staff and non-staff caregivers for COVID-19.

This enhancement facilitates seamless compliance with new and upcoming state regulations and helps organizations maintain client, staff and caregiver safety throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Document Reported Temperature

When screening someone for COVID-19, users can request the person’s reported temperature and document the temperature in the new Reported Temperature field on the screening.

The temperature entered in the Reported Temperature field will appear on the screened person’s Infectious Disease Profile and in the Infectious Disease Screening Report.

Infectious Disease Screening Report

The temperature entered in the Reported Temperature field will populate in the new Temperature column on the Infectious Disease Screening Report. To generate the Infectious Disease Screening Report, navigate to the Report Center under the Reports tab. In the Survey Reports section, select Infectious Disease Screening Report.

Reports tab ➜ Report Center ➜ Survey Reports ➜ Infectious Disease Screening Report

Updated on 12/16/2020