
Unassign Client Tasks When Schedule Overlaps

When scheduling an employee task on the Employee Scheduler screen in Axxess Home Care, users can now select Unassign Client Tasks When Schedule Overlaps. Selecting this setting will automatically unassign the employee from any client tasks that overlap with the employee task being scheduled. This enhancement streamlines scheduling operations by eliminating the need to manually unassign employees from client tasks when schedule conflicts occur.

When scheduling an employee task in the Employee Scheduler, select Unassign Client Tasks When Schedule Overlaps to automatically unassign the employee from any client tasks that overlap with the employee task.

Employee tasks scheduled without time are considered all-day tasks, and the employee will be removed from all client tasks for the day. The employee will not be removed from client tasks when there is no overlap with the employee task. For overnight tasks, the task start date and time will be used when checking for overlaps.

Updated on 10/04/2023