
Visit Note Updates

Axxess Palliative Care now includes shortcut buttons on visit notes and a temperature section in COVID-19 screenings. These enhancements streamline operations, provide greater ease of use and facilitate thorough, compliant documentation.

In the Provider Visit, Pediatric Visit and Initial Provider Visit, an Infection Report button is now located in the Coordination of Care section.

In the Nurse Practitioner Visit, Nurse Practitioner Telehealth Visit, Physician Assistant Visit, Physician Assistant Telehealth Visit, Skilled Nurse Visit, Follow-Up Visit, Telehealth Visit, Physician Visit, Physician Visit and Telehealth Visit, Incident Report and Infection Report buttons are now located in the Coordination of Care section.

In the Skilled Nurse Visit, a Suicide Risk Assessment button is now located in the Social/Emotional Assessment section.

The COVID-19 Screening now includes a Temperature at Time of Screening field.

Updated on 11/02/2022