
Business Intelligence


Making data-driven decisions is crucial to the success of any organization. Having access to data is key, but understanding it is essential.


With constant regulatory changes impacting reimbursements, having a convenient and easy-to-use window into the effectiveness of the clinical, operational and financial aspects of your business is invaluable.


Learn how Axxess’ Business Intelligence tools powered by Tableau can be a one-stop shop for all your data to help you make smarter decisions that will take your organization to the next level.



Getting Started: Business Intelligence Dashboard Overview

The BI tool enables leaders to make proactive decisions about their organization and gives users the control and flexibility to view data in multiple ways. This video provides a high-level overview of the BI tool, including how to access basic functionality and capabilities of the tool.


Getting Started: Clinical, Operational, Financial Dashboard Overview

The BI tool enables leaders to make proactive decisions about their organization and gives users the control and flexibility to view data in multiple ways. This video takes a deeper dive into the clinical, operational and financial dashboards to provide a better understanding of how to navigate and leverage the tool for the most value.


Three-Part Series for Business Intelligence Dashboards: Clinical, Financial and Operational  


This three-part series helps users better understand the functionality within each dashboard: clinical, financial and operational. This information enables users to more effectively go through their daily routine with better understanding and by identifying metrics that matter most to elevate their business.


Series 1: Axxess | Business Intelligence Dashboards – Clinical

Value-based purchasing is a reality for the industry. Learn how the clinical dashboard gives better insight into VBP outcome measures and discharges to ensure patients are improving.

Series 2: Axxess | Business Intelligence Dashboards – Financial

This dashboard enables you to track your Notice of Admissions (NOAs), Low Utilization Payment Adjustments (LUPAs) and unsubmitted claims. That’s revenue protection no business can afford to miss out on.


Series 3: Axxess | Business Intelligence Dashboards – Operational

This dashboard gives better visibility across the entire patient lifecycle, from admissions to outstanding orders to protect revenue and track discharges.




Business Intelligence Drives Clinical Excellence


Business Intelligence Drives Financial Excellence