

The Axxess DDE Dashboard includes quick reports on payments, claims, and eligibility information.

Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT)

A report of Electronic Funds Transfers for the current week and projected pending payments.

Green – indicates paid amounts and Blue indicates projected amounts for future payments.

Select View Report to view other date ranges and the EFT numbers.

Claim Count Summary

A report of claims in a particular claim status location. Includes claim counts, total charges and total payment.

As claims are processed in FISS (Fiscal Intermediary Standard System), they move through various stages of the system. These stages are identified by status/location codes and provide information about what’s happening to the claim.



TReturn to provider




To get to the full report, you may click Full Report at the top of the Claims Count Summary box.

Claim Issues

Claims Issues shows claims Stuck in Suspense, RTP claims, Rejected Claims and the ADR claims.

Stuck in Suspense are claims that have been in the same status location for 30 days or more. The claims listed here are approaching the 30 days.

RTP  Claims (Return to Provider) are claims that have been returned to provider for needing correction.

Rejected Claims are claims that have been rejected for payment for various reasons specified by the reason code.

ADR Claims (Additional Development Request) are claims needing medical records sent to CMS. CMS uses ADRs to request medical records from providers during the medical review process.

To see the claims within each category, click on the item description in blue under the number.

Eligibility Issues

This is a report of patients whose eligibility status is questionable.

To view the patients under each section, click the issue title.

Part A & B indicates an issue with either Medicare Part A coverage or Medicare Part B coverage.

Other HHA indicates a possible issue with another Home Health Agency in the patient’s home during a time period.

HMO Patients shows the patient has a Medicare Advantage Plan.

MSP Patients (Medicare Secondary Payer) shows patients with an insurance that is primary to Medicare.

Hospice Patients indicates the patient is a Hospice patient.

CWF Not Found (Common Working File)  indicates no eligibility was found for Medicare. Check the patient’s Medicare Card to verify correct information has been entered.


This report will track the status of NOE/NOTR/NOA submissions in Suspense, RTP (unsuppressed) and Paid status where the paid date is within the last seven days.