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Patient Satisfaction Surveys



Improve patient outcomes by gaining deeper insights driven by streamlined data capture, robust and targeted research, analytics and benchmarking.



Home Health CAHPS

The Home Health (HH) Care Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) Survey is designed to measure the experiences of people receiving home health care from Medicare-certified home health agencies.




The Axxess Research unit will extend the abilities of our clients to gain deeper business insights and drive robust, targeted, and sustainable improvement through research, analytics and benchmarking. We have assembled technology, industry, research experts and end-users in this endeavor to further extend the capabilities of our world-class software solutions.




Our philosophy is to focus on our customer needs and their success at all times. To achieve this, we strive to create an environment where our employees are encouraged to be innovative and collaborate to create products and offer services that exceed our customers’ expectations.
