
OAS CAHPS Vendor Authorization

It is the responsibility of each ASC and HOPD to authorize its CAHPS Survey vendor on the official OAS CAHPS Survey website: OASCAHPS.org.

First Time Authorizing a CAHPS Vendor

If you’re just starting CAHPS, and you haven’t authorized a vendor before, start here. You can also use these instructions if you’re not sure whether you’ve authorized a CAHPS vendor before.

  1. Start by going to https://OASCAHPS.org.
  2. Click For Facilities (located on the top right side of the screen).
  3. Select Register for Login Credentials.
  4. Complete agency information, and click Submit.
  5. You will receive an email that provides you with a temporary password.  Login using this temporary password.
  6. After logging in, you will be prompted to create a new password. Login again (if needed) using your new password.
  7. Select For Facilities again in the top right in gray area.
  8. Select the Vendor Authorization link, and select Start an Authorization.
  9. Select AXXESS from the Select a Vendor drop-down list.
  10. Use the Select Start Date drop-down list to select the first day of the calendar quarter for which you are authorizing this vendor to start submitting survey data on your behalf.
  11. Under the Select Facility table, check the box next to each facility CCN/name for which you want to apply a vendor authorization.
  12. Click the Save Checked Authorizations button.
  13. After saving, the Vendor Authorization Report will display on your screen.  This report shows a list of all the facilities for which you are an administrator.  Any authorizations or changes to authorizations you just saved will display under the column Modified indicated by a green check mark.

Switching CAHPS vendor

Already have an authorized CAHPS vendor, but you’ve recently switched to Axxess? We’re glad to have you! Follow these instructions to switch your authorized CAHPS vendor to Axxess.

  1. Start by going to https://OASCAHPS.org.
  2. Click Login (located in the top right corner of the screen).
  3. Login with your username and password.
  4. Select For Facilities again in the top right in gray area.
  5. Select the Vendor Authorization link, and select Start an Authorization.
  6. Select AXXESS from the Select a Vendor drop-down list.
  7. Use the Select Start Date drop-down list to select the first day of the calendar quarter for which you are authorizing this vendor to start submitting survey data on your behalf.
  8. Under the Select Facility table, check the box next to each facility CCN/name for which you want to apply a vendor authorization.
  9. Click the Save Checked Authorizations button.  The vendor authorization for your previous vendor will be automatically deactivated with an End Date. No additional action is necessary to close out your previous vendor’s authorization.
  10. After saving, the Vendor Authorization Report will display on your screen.  This report shows a list of all the facilities for which you are an administrator.  Any authorizations or changes to authorizations you just saved will display under the column Modified indicated by a green check mark.

Forgot Password?

If you’ve forgotten your password, select the Reset Password button on the login screen. You will be prompted to first enter your username. Follow the instructions on the next screen, and you will receive an email message to reset your password.

Don’t Know Your Login Credentials?

If you don’t have your agency’s login credentials (due to a switch in your facility’s administration for example), please contact the OAS CAHPS Survey Coordination Team at OASCAHPS@RTI.org. Indicate in your email message that you do not have access to your facility’s login credentials due to a switch in administration, and are requesting that your credentials be reset.  Include in the email subject line your facility name and six-digit CCN number (aka Medicare provider number that your facility uses to bill CMS for Medicare and/or Medicaid patients).

You should receive an email response indicating that your login information has been reset to correspond with the appropriate administrator.  Login and complete the remaining steps to complete the vendor authorization process.