

Not Started

  • This metric shows the number of assigned Axxess CARE visits that a clinician has not yet started.

  • Visits are in this category when your organization has assigned the visit to the clinician and the clinician has accepted but not yet started the visit.

Click on the Not Started hyperlink.

  • You will see the specifics of the assigned visits that have not been started with their adjacent details in the Visit Title, Patient, Visit Date, Professional, Assigned Date and Status columns.

  • At the top of the page you have several options to filter and search visits by visit title, patient’s name and start/end date.

Pending Acceptance

  • This metric shows the number of Axxess CARE visits that are pending acceptance from clinicians.

  • Visits are in this category when your organization has assigned a visit to a clinician and is waiting for the clinician to confirm final acceptance of the visit.

Click on the Pending Acceptance hyperlink.

  • You will see the specifics of visits that have not been accepted with adjacent details in the Visit Title, Patient, Visit Date, Professional, Assigned Date and Status columns.

  • At the top of the page you have several options to filter and search visits by visit title, patient’s name and start/end date.

Past Due

  • This metric shows the number of past due Axxess CARE visits for the organization.

  • Visits are in this category when the visit has been initiated but the necessary notes and documents have not been submitted by the clinician.

Click on the Past Due hyperlink.

  • You will see the specifics of the past due visits with adjacent details in the Visit Title, Patient, Visit Date, Professional, Assigned Date and Status columns.

  • At the top of the page you have several options to filter and search visits by visit title, patient’s name and start/end date.

Scheduled Today

  • This metric shows you the number of Axxess CARE visits that are scheduled for today.

Click on the Scheduled Today hyperlink.

  • You will see the specifics of the visits that are scheduled today with adjacent details in the in the Visit Title, Patient, Visit Date, Professional, Assigned Date and Status columns.

  • At the top of the page you have several options to filter and search visits by visit title, patient’s name and start/end date.

Pending QA

  • This metric shows you the number of Axxess CARE visits that are pending quality assurance review from your organization.

  • Visits in this category indicate a clinician has completed the visit, submitted the necessary documentation and is awaiting your organization’s review/approval.

Click on the Pending QA hyperlink.

  • You will see the specifics of visits that are pending quality assurance review with adjacent details in the Visit Title, Patient, Visit Date, EVV (Electronic Visit Verification), Document, Professional, Completed Visit Date and QA Reviewer columns.

  • At the top of the page there are several options to filter and search visits by visit title, patient’s name and start/end date.


This section shows the visits that have been posted by your organization and ordered by the most recent or upcoming date.

Click on View Visit in the bottom-right corner of a specific visit.

You will see some information about the visit your organization has posted, such as:

  1. Name of the patient

  2. Visit type and task type

  3. Date of the visit

  4. Additional details/tasks of the visit not requiring HIPPA protection

  5. Pay rate of the visit

  6. Address of the visit

  7. HIPAA-protected special instructions

  8. Post externally

  9. Remove visit

Applicants will only see information from numbers two through five of the list above. The ZIP code of the address will be visible to attract nearby clinician applications. To remain HIPAA-compliant, the rest of the information will only be displayed temporarily to the assigned clinician.

You will also see applicants for this visit (if any) on the right side of the page.

First, click on a clinician profile.

The left window should display a photograph of the clinician as well as their discipline, experience, resume, availability and the clinician’s star rating with reviews from other organizations.

On the right, you will see the clinician’s credentials:

  • Licenses

  • Certifications

  • Any additional documents

You will also see:

  • Background verification completion date

  • Office of inspector general check completion date


This section shows all the messages received between your organization and clinicians that are applying or have been assigned a visit.

  • These messages are ordered by the most recent date.

Side Bar

This section provides access to the Home, Visits, Documentation and Transaction History pages.


This page shows you:

  • Alerts

  • Visits

  • Messages

Visits – Posted

This page shows the Axxess CARE visits that your organization has posted and the associated details in the Visit Title, Patient, Visit Date, Expires In, Applicants, Messages, Posted By and Posted Date columns.

  • At the top of the page you have several options to filter and search visits by visit title, patient’s name and start/end date.

Visits – Assigned

This page shows you the Axxess CARE visits that have been assigned/scheduled by your organization and associated details in the  Visit Title, Patient, Visit Date, Professional, Assigned Date and Status columns.

  • At the top of the page you have several options to filter and search visits by visit title, patient’s name and start/end date.

Visits – Started

This page shows you the Axxess CARE visits that have been started by a clinician, but necessary notes and documentation have not yet been submitted. This page shows details in the Visit Title, Patient, Visit Date, Professional, EVV, Assigned Date and Status columns.

  • At the top of the page you have several options to filter and search visits by visit title, patient’s name and start/end date.

Visits – Completed

This page shows you all the Axxess CARE visits that have been completed by a clinician and are awaiting quality assurance review by your organization. This page shows details in the Visit Title, Patient Name, Visit Date, EVV, Documents Associated, Professional, QA Reviewer, Completed Date and Payment Status columns.

  • At the top of the page you have several options to filter and search visits by visit title, patient’s name and start/end date.

Visits – Returned

This page shows you the Axxess CARE visits that have been returned by the clinician. Visits are in this category when the clinician is unable to complete the visit after it has been assigned and accepted.

  • This page shows details in the Visit Title, Patient, Visit Date, Notes, Professional and Assigned Date columns.

  • At the top of the page you have several options to filter and search visits by visit title, patient’s name and start/end date.

Visits – History

This page shows you the history of all Axxess CARE visits that your organization has posted and the associated details in the Visit Title, Patient, Visit Date, EVV, Visit Status, Documents, Professional and Posted Date columns.

  • At the top of the page you have several options to filter and search visits by visit title, patient’s name and start/end date.

Documentation – Pending QA

This page shows you the Axxess CARE visits that are pending in the Quality Assurance Center and the associated details in the Visit Title, Patient, Visit Date, EVV, Visit Document, Professional, Completed Visit Date and QA Reviewer columns.

  • At the top of the page you have several options to filter and search visits by visit title, patient’s name and start/end date.

Documentation – Returned by QA

This page shows you the Axxess CARE visits that have been returned during quality assurance review. This page also shows you the respective returned visit’s details in the Visit Title, Patient, Visit Date, EVV, Visit Document, Professional, Completed Visit Date and QA Reviewer columns.

  • These visits are pending until the clinician completes the necessary changes.

Transaction History

This page shows you the history of your organization’s completed Axxess CARE visits with associated details in the Visit Title, Patient, Visit Date, Professional, Status, Document, Transaction Number, Transaction Date and Amount columns.