
Posting Visits to Axxess CARE

There are three ways to post visits to Axxess CARE from Axxess Home Health.

To post a visit to Axxess CARE through the patient chart, navigate to the Patients tab and select Patient Charts.

Open the chart of a patient for whom you would like to post a visit.

Identify the upcoming skilled nurse visit you would like to post and select Post to Axxess CARE as found in the Action column.

A pop-up will appear prompting you to select the task to be performed during this visit. Choose the appropriate task from the drop-down menu.

If more than one task will be performed during the visit, select the most complex task to ensure that only clinicians with the necessary qualifications will be matched to the visit.

Select Confirm Posting.

Once a visit has been posted to Axxess CARE, a teal heart will appear next to the visit between the Assigned To and Status columns on the patient’s chart.

Similarly, you are also able to go to the schedule center to post to Axxess CARE. Navigate to the Schedule tab and then Schedule Center.

To post a visit to Axxess CARE through the Axxess CARE Scheduler, navigate to the Axxess CARE Scheduler through the Axxess CARE tab in Axxess Home Health.

Adjust the selected date range and/or search by task name, patient name or user name to quickly locate relevant visits.

Select the visits you would like to post to Axxess CARE individually by checking the corresponding boxes or use the Select All button to bulk post.

Select the Task which will be performed during each of the visits you would like to post. If more than one task will be performed during the visit, select the most complex task. This information will help us to connect you with the most qualified clinician for each visit.

Click the pink Post Selected to Axxess CARE button.

Check the box if you are posting these visits internally, otherwise select Confirm Posting.