You can message the clinician via Axxess CARE or call the clinician directly.
Currently OASIS, physical therapy notes/evaluations and SN visits/evaluations can be documented via the Axxess CARE mobile app.
Yes, EVV is available in the Axxess CARE mobile app.
From the Axxess CARE site, you may edit visit details, pay rate, address, and special instructions within the visit details. Simply log in to Axxess CARE, click on the visit, and click on the edit icon next to the item you wish to edit. If you need to change the type of visit, you will need to remove the visit from Axxess CARE and update the visit type in Axxess Home Health and repost it to Axxess CARE.
The app will have a built-in name badge that the clinician will present. It will identify the clinician by name, picture, and credential, the agency and the agency’s contact information.
You will only pay for visits that have been completed. If a clinician cannot see a patient for any reason, they must return that visit to the agency to be rescheduled or marked as missed.