
Advance Care Plan

Axxess CARE now provides an Advance Care Plan that users can complete at the point of care. Information entered at intake will populate in the Advance Care Plan and can be edited as needed.

When completing an OASIS assessment on Axxess CARE, a new Advance Care Plan section appears on the Prognosis tab. Users can click the Advance Care Plan button in this section to document advance care planning while in the OASIS.

OASIS ➜ Prognosis tab ➜ Advance Care Plan section ➜ Advance Care Plan button

Once Advance Care Plan is selected, seven options for advance care planning will appear:

1. Advance Care Plan


2. Living Will


3. DNR, Out of Hospital


4. Durable Power of Attorney for Health (A text box for Name of Person and Relationship will open.)


5. Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST)


6. Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST)


7. Other Legal Documents Valid Under State Law


Users can also document four options for treatment preferences.

1. Medical Treatment Preferences


2. Mental Health/Behavioral Treatment Preferences


3. Cultural/Social Preferences


4. Spiritual/Religious Preferences


At the bottom of the screen, a Comments text box is available for users to enter any additional information.

Updated on 06/03/2021