Availability Calendar in Clinician Profiles

Clinician profiles in Axxess CARE now include an Availability section where clinicians can post when they are available to work. This functionality streamlines operations by reducing the amount of communication between organizations and clinicians.

Add Availability

To add your availability to your clinician profile, navigate to the three-line menu in the top-left corner of the app and select Profile. On the Edit Profile screen, select Availability.

Once Availability is selected, the calendar will show when the clinician is available to pick up visits.

To change the days you are available to pick up visits, you can edit by date. Once the date is selected, select Not Available or Available.

Once the availability is selected, select the time range that you’re available. If you are available multiple times that day, select the plus sign to add another time range. Select the minus sign to remove a time range.

To edit the availability of multiple days, select Bulk Edit in the top-right hand corner.

Customize Availability allows clinicians to select multiple days. Default to Weekdays Only (Mon to Fri) allows clinicians to edit weekdays. Weekends will be disabled. Default to Weekends Only (Sat to Sun) allows clinicians to edit weekends. Weekdays will be disabled. Reset (Available All Days) is the default selection until edited by clinicians.

The edited calendar will be available to organizations viewing the clinician’s profile.

Updated on 10/20/2022