
COVID-19 Screening for Clinicians

Clinicians can now screen themselves for COVID-19 on Axxess CARE. Once a clinician completes a COVID-19 screening, agencies can review the screening information before assigning visits on Axxess CARE.

By closely monitoring COVID-19 screenings, agencies and clinicians can deliver the care that patients need, optimize patient outcomes and keep providers safe.

This functionality facilitates seamless compliance with infection control and emergency preparedness requirements throughout the pandemic and onward.

Complete a COVID-19 Screening

To complete a clinician COVID-19 screening, log in to the Axxess CARE application.

Click the pink COVID-19 Screening button toward the bottom of the home screen.

Answer the screening questions and assign a risk level. Click Save & Exit to finish and save the screening.

Once completed and saved, the screening will appear in your user profile.

View Your Screening Profile

To view your completed screenings, navigate to the three-line menu in the top left corner of the screen and select Profile. Select EDIT in the top right corner of your profile.

Navigate to the Infectious Disease Screening tab to view your completed screenings or add a new screening.

Three-line menu ➜ Profile ➜ EDIT ➜ Infectious Disease Screening tab

Click on a completed screening to view the screening questions and answers. Click Add COVID-19 Screening to add a new screening.

When viewing a completed screening, the screening questions and answers appear in grey. Completed screenings cannot be edited.

Once a clinician COVID-19 screening is completed, the results appear in the clinician’s profile for agencies to review before assigning a visit. Based on the COVID-19 screening risk assessment, Low Risk or High Risk appears above the clinician’s photo for agencies to quickly and easily review when selecting visit applicants.

Updated on 4/27/2020