
Incident Log

Axxess CARE now enables users to create incident logs at the point of care from a mobile device.

Incident logs can be accessed and documented from a Skilled Nurse Note, Physical Therapy Visit, Occupational Therapy Visit or Speech Therapy Visit on the Axxess CARE mobile app.

Access the Incident Log From a Skilled Nurse Note

To create an incident log from a Skilled Nurse Note, navigate to the Care Coordination tab and select the Add Incident Log button.

SN Note ➜ Care Coordination tab ➜ Add Incident Log button

Access the Incident Log From an Assessment/Evaluation

To create an incident log from a PT/OT/ST Assessment/Evaluation, navigate to the Summary of Care tab and select the Care Coordination section.

PT/OT/ST Assessment/Evaluation ➜ Summary of Care tab ➜ Care Coordination section

Access the Incident Log From a Reassessment/Re-evaluation

To create an incident log from a PT/OT/ST reassessment/re-evaluation, navigate to the Summary of Care tab and select the Care Coordination section.

PT/OT/ST Reassessment/Re-evaluation ➜ Summary of Care tab ➜ Care Coordination section

The following sections are included in the incident log:

Patient Information


Individuals Involved


Type of Incident


Evaluation and Actions


Incident Description/Comments




Once documentation is entered in the Follow-Up section, the incident log can be signed and completed.

A PDF version of the incident log can be accessed from the patient’s chart. When submitted with a signature, the log will follow the QA flow.

Updated on 09/30/2021