
Infection Log

Axxess CARE now enables users to create infection logs at the point of care from a mobile device.

Infection logs can now be accessed and documented from an OASIS, Skilled Nurse Visit, Physical Therapy Visit, Occupational Therapy Visit or Speech Therapy Visit on the Axxess CARE mobile app.

Access the Infection Log From an OASIS

To create an infection log from an OASIS, navigate to the Risk Assessment tab, expand the Infectious Disease Profile and COVID-19 Screening section and click Infectious Disease Profile.

OASIS ➜ Risk Assessment tab ➜ Infectious Disease Profile and COVID-19 Screening section ➜ Infectious Disease Profile

Access the Infection Log From an SN/PT/OT/ST Visit

To create an infection log from a Skilled Nurse or PT/OT/ST Visit, navigate to the Infection Control tab and select Infection Log.

SN/PT/OT/ST Visit ➜ Infection Control tab ➜ Infection Log

Infection Log Overview

The following tabs appear in the infection log:

Patient Information


Evaluation and Treatment


Type of Infection/Signs and Symptoms


Reportable Diseases


Infection Control


Infection Log Report Comments




Once documentation is entered in the Follow-Up section, the infection log can be signed and completed.

The saved log will appear in a report for infections that require a follow-up. Completed reports will appear in a report for infections.

Updated on 09/15/2021