
Skills Attestation Legend

Clinician profiles in Axxess CARE now provide a skills attestation legend at the top of the screen, so agencies can easily identify clinicians’ self-attested competencies for specific areas of care. This enhancement optimizes ease of use and helps agencies streamline operations when reviewing clinician profiles in Axxess CARE.

Clinicians attest to their skill levels using a 1-4 scale, where 1 represents the clinician’s preference not to perform the skill, and 4 represents the clinician’s ability to perform the skill independently. Once a clinician attests to a competency level, the number populates in the Clinician Score column on the clinician’s profile.

The following numbers and their respective labels appear at the top of each clinician profile, so users can interpret the numbers in the Clinician Score column at a glance.

Skills Attestation Legend:

  • 4 – Independent
  • 3 – Performs with Supervision
  • 2 – Requires Professional Development
  • 1 – Prefers Not to Perform

Updated on 6/03/2020