
Streamlined Visit Posting

Axxess Home Health now enables organizations to post visits to Axxess CARE in one easy step. By posting visits seamlessly to Axxess CARE, organizations can quickly and efficiently locate visit coverage to optimize patient outcomes and streamline scheduling.

Post Visits to Axxess CARE

Axxess Home Health users must have scheduling permissions to post visits to Axxess CARE. To post a scheduled visit to Axxess CARE, navigate to the Schedule Center in Axxess Home Health and click Post to Axxess CARE next to the visit.

In the pop-up window, users can now enter all visit details before posting the visit to Axxess CARE.

The visit type and date will automatically populate in the header based on the type of visit and date scheduled in Axxess Home Health. To change the visit type, select an option from the Visit Task menu.

Confirm that the patient address and pay rate are correct. To adjust the address or pay rate, click the edit icon ( ) next to the corresponding section. Enter all necessary information in the remaining fields and click Confirm Posting to finish posting the visit to Axxess CARE.

To post the visit internally (for only your staff to view and apply), check the box at the bottom of the window before posting the visit.

To post a visit that is not already scheduled in Axxess Home Health, click the Post Visits to Axxess CARE tab at the top of the Schedule Center and schedule the necessary visits.

Updated on 03/03/2021