
Patient Reports

The Report Center in Axxess Hospice enables organizations to easily retrieve the reporting they need to streamline operations and optimize performance across every area of business.

To access the Report Center, navigate to the Reports tab and select Report Center from the drop-down menu.

Reports are organized into categories based on the data they provide. Categories include Patient Reports, Clinical Reports, Schedule Reports, People Reports, Statistical Reports, Survey Reports, and Billing and Financial Reports.

User permissions determine which reports are accessible to users in the Report Center.

The Learn More link to the right of each report provides a brief description of the report, the parameters that can be used to customize the data, and the information generated by running the report. Click the name of a report to generate it.

Once a report is generated, users can click the Export button in the top right corner to export the data to an Excel spreadsheet for printing and/or saving electronically. The Report Center button on each report screen enables users to navigate directly back to the Report Center.

The following reports are available in the Patient Reports section of the Report Center.

Census by Level of Care

Description: Displays a list of patients sorted by level of care. This report can be used for state and regulatory surveys and internal administrative purposes.

Parameters: Branch, Level of Care. Selecting different parameters will impact the data displayed in the report.

Report Includes: Name, Branch, Admission Date, Level of Care, Primary Payer, Gender, Phone, Address

This report can also be accessed by selecting View Report on the Census by Level of Care tile in the Administrator Dashboard.

Administrator Dashboard ➜ Census by Level of Care tile ➜ View Report

Census by Status

Description: Displays a list of patients by status with demographic information. This report can be used for state and regulatory surveys and internal administrative purposes.

Parameters: Branch, Status. Selecting different parameters will impact the results displayed in the report.

Report Includes: Name, Branch, Status, Primary Payer, Gender, Phone, Address

This report can also be accessed by selecting View Report on the Census by Status tile in the Administrator Dashboard.

Administrator Dashboard ➜ Census by Status tile ➜ View Report

Patient by Physician Listing

Description: Displays a list of patients categorized by physician. This report enables users to identify the total number of patients for each physician.

Parameters: Attending Physician, Patient Status

Report Includes: Patient Name, Attending Physician, Hospice Physician, Address, City, State, Zip, Primary Phone, Gender, Status

Emergency Prep Patient List

Description: Displays patients’ emergency preparedness planning information and triage level to enable quick identification of patients who require assistance during an emergency or disaster. Evacuation zone information entered in Patient Charts is also provided in this report.
Parameters: Branch, Status, Emergency Triage Level
Report Includes: MRN, Patient Name, Patient Mobile Phone, Terminal Diagnosis, Hospice Physician, Attending Physician, Patient Status, Triage Level, Primary Emergency Contact Information (Relationship, Mobile Phone, Alternate Phone, Email), Evacuation Information (Address, Zone, Mobile Phone, Alternate Phone)

Advance Directives

Description: Displays a list of patients sorted by code status. Based on their documented advance directives, patients are identified as full code, DNR, or no advance directives. This report gives clinicians an at-a-glance view of code statuses for all patients to enable timely and appropriate preparations for emergent care. 

Parameters: Advance Directive Status, Team, Branch

Report Includes: Patient Name, MRN, Branch, Team, Advance Directive