Axxess Hospice uses Axxess intelligence™ to automatically generate narrative notes in the RN Initial/Comprehensive Assessment, RN Initial Assessment, RN Recertification Assessment, and RN Comprehensive Assessment.
To auto-generate narrative notes in one of these assessments, click Generate Narrative in the Narrative Notes section.
When this button is selected, Axxess intelligence™ will collect data from the following fields to generate a narrative:
Patient’s name, age, and gender
Admission date
Benefit period number
Terminal diagnosis
Code status
Vital signs: temperature, O2 saturation, respiration, pulse rate, and blood pressure
MAC, weight, height, BMI, and abdominal girth
Norton Pressure Sore Risk-Assessment total
Nutritional risk total
Level of care changes
Medication changes
Plan of Care problem/goal/intervention changes
Other changes from physician orders
Check the box next to Send Note to IDG Summary to send the auto-generated narrative to the IDG Summary/Comprehensive Assessment.
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