
Billable/Non-Billable Service Lines

Axxess Hospice users can seamlessly update billable and non-billable services lines on claims and remove services that are not covered by the payer’s reimbursement plan. This functionality gives users visibility to maximize revenue and streamline billing processes.

Mark Non-Billable Service Lines

To mark a billable service line as non-billable:

  • Navigate to the Billing tab and select Claims from the drop-down menu.
  • Click Verify under Actions next the desired claim.
  • In the claim, scroll to the Billable Service Lines subsection under Service Lines.
  • Select the rows to be marked as non-billable and click Mark as Non-Billable.

Billing tab ➜ Claims ➜ Verify ➜ Service Lines section ➜ Billable Service Lines subsection ➜ Mark as Non-Billable

Mark Billable Service Lines

To view non-billable service lines, select Show Non-Billable in the Service Lines section of a claim.

To mark a non-billable service line as billable:

  • Navigate to the Billing tab and select Claims from the drop-down menu.
  • Click Verify under Actions next the desired claim.
  • In the claim, scroll to the Non-Billable Service Lines subsection under Service Lines.
  • Select the rows to be marked as billable and click Mark as Billable.

Billing tab ➜ Claims ➜ Verify ➜ Service Lines section ➜ Non-Billable Service Lines subsection ➜ Mark as Billable