
Medicare Week Setup

Setting a Medicare week enables agencies to customize Axxess Hospice to accommodate their specific operations.

Company Setup Permission

To select a Medicare week, users must have the Company Setup permission enabled.

To give a user this permission, navigate to the user’s profile and select Edit. On the Permissions tab, select View next to the Company Setup permission.

People tab ➜ People Center ➜ Edit ➜ Permissions tab ➜ Administration section ➜ Company Setup

Adding a Medicare Week

To add a Medicare week, select Company Setup under the Admin tab. Navigate to the Operations tab and select Add Medicare Week.

Admin tab ➜ Company Setup ➜ Operations tab ➜ Add Medicare Week

Select a week from the Medicare Week drop-down menu and enter a start date. Click Save to complete the process.

The Medicare week can be adjusted by returning to Company Setup and repeating the above process.

Adding a Medicare week impacts how discipline frequencies are calculated. To ensure frequency counts are accurate, the software automatically checks to see if any active visit frequencies overlap the Medicare week start date. If any active frequencies overlap the start date, the system prompts the user to update the overlapping frequencies.

Select the Update Frequencies button to navigate to the Frequency page and update frequencies.

Select the Click here link to open the Overlapping Frequency Report and view a list of patients whose frequencies need to be updated. From the report, select Message User under Actions to message staff and request necessary updates for each patient on the report.

Once all the necessary frequencies have been updated, the new Medicare week can be saved.