Once you open the app and verify your PIN, the Home screen will open. On the Home screen, you can view your calendar, scheduled visits for the current date, and a banner alerting you to any unread messages you have in the Message Center.
The buttons at the bottom of the Home screen enable you to navigate to Home, Patients, Schedule, Message and Menu.
Swipe left or right on the calendar to view your scheduled tasks for two-week time periods. A purple dot below a date indicates that you have assigned tasks on that date. Select a date to view tasks scheduled for that date. The date you select will be highlighted in purple and the Visits list will update based on the date selected.
Click View Map next to the Visits header to see a map of your visits for the selected date. Tap the pins on the map to see the patient’s name for that address. Once selected, you can access directions to that address using your preferred map application on your device. If a patient’s primary address has not been validated, their visit will not appear on the map.
Tap on the unread messages banner to read and respond to your messages in the Message Center.
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