
Bereavement Plan of Care

Axxess Hospice now provides a Bereavement Plan of Care that enables users to document goals, interventions and services related to bereavement before and after a patient’s death. The Bereavement Plan of Care supports seamless bereavement processes and facilitates compliance with regulatory and accreditation requirements that govern hospice bereavement services.

Users must have permission to view and manage the Bereavement Plan of Care in Axxess Hospice.

Bereavement Permissions

To give a user permission to manage the Bereavement Plan of Care, edit the user’s profile and navigate to the Permissions tab. In the Clinical section, select View, Add, Edit and Delete next to the Bereavement permission. Click Save to finish granting the permissions to the user.

People tab ➜ People Center ➜ Edit ➜ Permissions tab ➜ Clinical section ➜ Bereavement ➜ View/Add/Edit/Delete ➜ Save

View the Bereavement Plan of Care

To access a patient’s Bereavement Plan of Care, navigate to the patient’s chart and select Bereavement from the Quick Links menu.

Patients tab ➜ Patient Charts ➜ Quick Links ➜ Bereavement

The Bereavement Plan of Care tab provides patient information, bereavement information and bereavement goals, interventions and services.

To print or download a copy of the Bereavement Plan of Care, click Print or Download in the top right corner of the screen.

To view a record of changes made to the Bereavement Plan of Care, navigate to the History tab.

Update the Bereavement Plan of Care

The Bereavement Plan of Care can be updated regardless of the patient’s status. To update the Bereavement Plan of Care, click Update Bereavement POC to activate all action buttons on the Bereavement Plan of Care tab.

Patients tab ➜ Patient Charts ➜ Quick Links ➜ Bereavement ➜ Bereavement Plan of Care tab ➜ Update Bereavement POC

The Patient Information section will pre-populate with the patient’s demographic info. To update this information, navigate to the patient’s chart under the Patients tab and update the information as needed.

The Bereavement Discharge Date field under Patient Information will auto-populate when the patient is discharged from bereavement.

To add bereaved contacts to the Bereavement Plan of Care, click Add Additional Bereaved under Bereaved Information. Up to 10 bereavement contacts can be added per patient.

The auto-fill box under Add Additional Bereaved can be used to add one of the patient’s existing authorized contacts. Selecting a contact from this list will automatically populate the contact’s information from the patient’s chart.

If the bereaved contact needs to be added as an authorized contact for the patient, click Add Contact to open the patient’s chart and add the contact.

If the bereaved contact is not one of the patient’s authorized contacts, manually enter the contact’s information to the Bereavement Plan of Care and click Save Contact.

Add Bereavement Goals

To add a goal to the Bereavement Plan of Care, click the Update Bereavement POC button. Navigate to the Goals tab under Bereavement Goals, Interventions & Services. Click Add Goal and select a goal from the Goal drop-down menu. Each goal will be assigned to all bereaved contacts unless specific individuals are selected from the Bereaved menu.

A resolved date and resolved reason can be documented in the Resolved Date and Resolved Reason fields as each bereaved individual moves through the bereavement process.

To add an individualized goal, select Other from the Goal menu and enter the specific goal.

Click Save to save the goal to the Bereavement Plan of Care.

Add Bereavement Interventions

To add an intervention to the Bereavement Plan of Care, click the Update Bereavement POC button. Navigate to the Interventions tab under Bereavement Goals, Interventions & Services. Click Add Intervention and select an intervention from the Intervention drop-down menu. Each intervention will be assigned to all bereaved contacts unless specific individuals are selected from the Bereaved menu.

To add an individualized intervention, select Other from the Intervention menu and enter the specific intervention.

Click Save to save the intervention to the Bereavement Plan of Care.

Add Bereavement Services

To add a service to the Bereavement Plan of Care, click the Update Bereavement POC button. Navigate to the Services tab under Bereavement Goals, Interventions & Services. Click Add Service and select a service from the Service drop-down menu. Each service will be assigned to all bereaved contacts unless specific individuals are selected from the Bereaved menu.

To add an individualized service, select Other from the Service menu and enter the specific service.

Click Save to save the service to the Bereavement Plan of Care.

Sign the Bereavement POC

Click the green Update & Sign button to save changes and update the Bereavement Plan of Care.

A signed copy will be available in the History tab, where it can be printed or downloaded at any time.

Discharge a Patient From Bereavement

Once a patient’s contacts have completed the bereavement program, the patient can be discharged from bereavement.

To discharge a patient from bereavement, resolve each goal on the Bereavement Plan of Care tab and click Discharge From Bereavement. Enter the discharge date and click Discharge.

This will end the bereavement period for the patient. Bereavement tasks will not be added to the patient’s schedule after the bereavement discharge date.

If at any point bereavement services need to be resumed, navigate to the Bereavement Plan of Care and click Resume Bereavement.

Updated on 11/20/2020