
Claim Automation Updates

Axxess Hospice now automatically populates occurrence code (OC) 55 and its respective date on Admit Through Discharge (TOB 811) and Discharge (TOB 814) claims. OC 55 and the patient’s date of death indicate on hospice claims that a patient has been discharged from a hospice by death.

This enhanced claim automation optimizes ease of use, streamlines operations and facilitates compliance as users document and process claims through Axxess Hospice.

View and Process Claims

To view and process claims, navigate to the Billing tab and select Claims from the drop-down menu.

Billing tab ➜ Claims

During the claim verification process, the code and date for OC 55 will automatically populate under Occurrence Codes in the Payers and Codes sections of the claim form.

Live Discharge Occurrence Codes

When a patient is discharged from hospice for any reason other than death, a specific occurrence code must appear on hospice claims along with the patient’s discharge date.

To help agencies fulfill this requirement, Axxess Hospice automatically populates the following occurrence codes and discharge dates on Admit Through Discharge (TOB 811) and Discharge (TOB 814) claims:

Discharge Status Occurrence Code
Revoked 42  
Discharge for Cause H2  
Moved Out of Hospice Service Area 52  
Transferred to Another Hospice – Routine or Continuous Care 50  
Transferred to Another Hospice – Respite or General Inpatient Care 51  

Service Facility Information

Facility information must be documented on hospice claims for patients receiving care in specific inpatient facilities.

To help agencies fulfill this requirement, Axxess Hospice automatically populates the patient’s service facility information to claims once it has been documented in the system.

To automatically populate facility information on claims, a facility must be identified as the patient’s primary address or visit address in the Demographics section of the patient’s chart.

Data flows to hospice claims for patients who have any of the following service locations active during the claim date range:

Q5003 – LTC or Non-Skilled NF (Unskilled Care)


Q5004 – Skilled Nursing Facility (Skilled Care)


Q5005 – Inpatient Hospital


Q5007 – Long-Term Care Hospital


Q5008 – Inpatient Psychiatric Facility


During the claim verification process, the following service facility information automatically populates to claims:



Organization Name


Address Line 1


Address Line 2








Updated on 7/06/2020