
Document Type Categories

Axxess Hospice now enables users to categorize document types when setting up new documents. When creating a new document type, users can select Patient, Employee or Employee and Patient as the category.

Document types categorized as patient documents will appear when adding documents to patient profiles. Document types categorized as employee documents will appear when adding documents to employee profiles.

Before uploading documents to employee or patient profiles, users must set up document types.

Set Up Document Types

To set up document types, navigate to the lists menu and select Document Types. On the Document Types screen, click Add Document Type.

➜ Document Types ➜ Add Document Type

Enter a name for the document type in the Type field and select a category from the Category menu. Select the associated providers and click Save to finish adding the document type.

The assigned category will appear under the Category column on the Document Types screen.

To edit a document type, category or associated providers, select Edit under Actions next to the document type.

Updated on 08/25/2021