
Encounters-Based Inpatient Documentation and Billing

The Skilled Nurse General Inpatient Shift Note and Hospice Aide Shift Note in Axxess Hospice now require users to click Start Encounter before documenting patient care and End Encounter when care is completed. The system will populate each billable encounter as a separate line item on the corresponding claim and calculate service units based on the documented encounter times.

By requiring encounters-based charting, this enhancement streamlines documentation processes and improves billing accuracy.

Documentation Workflow

To start an encounter in a Skilled Nurse General Inpatient Shift Note or Hospice Aide Shift Note, click Start Encounter on the new Encounters tab.

Skilled Nurse General Inpatient Shift Note/Hospice Aide Shift Note ➜ Encounters tab ➜ Start Encounter

Once Start Encounter has been selected, move forward with documenting the patient’s care as usual. Once patient care is completed, return to the Encounters tab and click End Encounter.

To document additional encounters, click Start Encounter again. Any number of subsequent encounters can be documented.

To edit an encounter’s start or end time, click Edit and make the necessary adjustments.

If no hands-on care was provided, check the Non-Billable box. All encounters are presumed to be billable unless this box is selected.

Once all encounters are documented, click Complete to complete the note or Save to save and return later.

Billing Workflow

Each billable encounter will display on the corresponding claim as a separate line item. Service units will be calculated based on encounter start and end times. Encounters marked as non-billable will not appear on the claim.

Updated on 03/12/2025