
Infection Report Updates

The Infection Report in Axxess Hospice has been updated to streamline infection documentation and optimize agencies’ records of the etiology and resolution of infections. By facilitating early identification and timely resolution of patient infections, this report facilitates optimal care delivery and continued compliance with QAPI requirements.

Access the Infection Report

Users can access the Infection Report through the Employee Schedule screen and through nursing clinical documents.

To schedule an Infection Report, navigate to the Employee Schedule from the Schedule tab. Add a task and select Infection Report in the Task drop-down menu. Complete the remaining fields and click Save Task to schedule the report.

Schedule tab ➜ Employee Schedule ➜ Add Task ➜ Infection Report in Task menu ➜ Save Task

To create an Infection Report through a clinical document, navigate to the Infection Control or Infection Surveillance section in the following documents:

  • RN Initial Assessment ➜ Summary tab ➜ Infection Surveillance section
  • RN Initial/Comprehensive Assessment ➜ Summary tab ➜ Infection Surveillance section
  • RN Comprehensive Assessment ➜ Summary tab ➜ Infection Surveillance section
  • RN Recertification Assessment ➜ Infection Control section
  • Skilled Nurse Visit ➜ Infection Control section
  • Skilled Nurse PRN Visit ➜ Infection Control section

Infection Report Updates

The following enhancements have been added to the respective sections of the Infection Report:

Patient Information

The following fields under Patient Information now automatically populate with data to facilitate accurate reporting and decreased documentation time:

  • Admission Date
  • Location of Patient
  • Attending Physician
  • Terminal Diagnosis
  • Comorbidities


The new Narrative section enables clinicians to add narrative documentation about suspected and diagnosed infections. Users can add custom templates to include agency-specific language around infection surveillance and control documentation.


The new Follow-Up section enables users to enter follow-up documentation on reported infections. Select the type of follow-up performed and enter additional comments in the Comments box. If a follow-up is not needed, select No Follow-Up to collapse the other options in this section.

Updated on 4/09/2020