
Multiple Provider Account Enhancements

Large enterprise organizations often operate under many provider numbers (NPIs) and submit claims under multiple tax ID numbers (TINs).

While many users in an organization may only ever see one provider’s information, others will require oversight and visibility into multiple providers to ensure that organizational operations are running smoothly.

Axxess has implemented new functionality to make managing multiple providers easy and efficient in Axxess Hospice.

Providers in Company Setup

When multiple providers are established for an organization, these providers can now be managed at the individual provider level by navigating to Company Setup under the Admin tab.

In Company Setup, a new Provider filter enables users to select which provider in their organization they want to view or edit. The Provider filter will default to the organization’s primary branch and is a single-select field, as users can only view/edit one provider at a time.

As the user navigates through the tabs in Company Setup, the information will populate with the selected provider information.

Provider Branches in User Setup

User setup functionality now ensures that each organization’s users have appropriate access to the organization’s providers and branches.

In a user’s setup, organizations can now see branches broken down at the provider level. If the organization has multiple providers, the branches appear under each provider.

Once a branch has been selected in a user’s setup, a new Primary Branch field will appear. The drop-down list under Primary Branch will populate only branches that have been set up for the user’s selected branch. This is a single-select field, as users can only have one branch designated as primary.

The information for the user’s selected primary branch will display in the welcome banner on the Axxess Hospice dashboard.

A new Provider Information permission now appears in the Administration section of user permissions. Granting this permission to a user will enable the user to edit provider information in Company Setup. If a user has access to Company Setup but this permission is not enabled, provider information will appear as read-only.

Multi-Select Branch Filter

To provide greater ease of use and optimal efficiency throughout the system, the Branch filter in the following areas is now a multi-select field.

Rather than selecting only one branch at a time, users can select multiple branches from the Branch filter to view multiple branches at a time. This field will default to All.

Patients tab:

Patient Charts






Plan of Care






Infectious Disease




Vital Signs


Non-Covered Items


Symptom Ratings


Schedule Menu


Schedule tab:

Patient Schedule


Updated on 03/04/2021