
Provider/Branch Filters

Axxess Hospice now features new provider and branch filters throughout the solution to optimize the user experience on each page. Many pages also feature a team filter, so users can easily manage and monitor activities by team.

Branch Filter

Users can now filter by provider and branch on the following pages in Axxess Hospice:


My Dashboard


Billing Dashboard


Patients Dashboard


Admin Dashboard


Order Dashboard


Schedule Dashboard

Patient Reports

Census by Level of Care


Census by Status


Patients by Physician Listing


Emergency Preparedness Patient List


Non-Admit by Reason

Clinical Reports

Top Physicians with Outstanding Orders


Outstanding Orders by Type


Schedule Reports

Visit Alerts


Missed Visits by User


Survey Reports

Census Report


Billing and Financial Reports

Reasons Preventing Billing


Bill Holds


Payment and Adjustment Activity


Claims Ready for Billing


From the Branch filter, users can select branches individually or click on a provider name to select all branches associated with the provider.

Provider Filter

Users can now filter by provider on the following pages:

Survey Reports

Vendor Contract List


Statistical Reports

Cap Statistics


Billing Tab

Remittance Advice


Billing and Financial Reports

Electronic Fund Transfers (EFTs)


Lists Menu







Custom Medications







From the Providers filter, users can select one or multiple providers.

When adding or editing entries on the following lists, users will be required to select the associated agency providers:

Lists Menu







Custom Medications







Team Filter

Users can now filter by team on the following pages:

Patient Reports

Census by Level of Care


Census by Status


Emergency Preparedness Patient List


Non-Admit by Reason


Clinical Reports

Top Physicians with Outstanding Orders


Outstanding Orders by Type


Scheduling Reports

Visit Alerts


Missed Visits by User


Survey Reports

Census Report


From the Team filter, users can select one or multiple teams.

Updated on 06/09/2021