
Report Center Updates

Reports have been added in the Report Center to deliver greater insight into agency operations and enable organizations to stay compliant and thoroughly prepare for surveying.

Reports tab ➜ Report Center

The following new reports have been added in the Report Center under the respective categories:

Patient Reports

Recertifications Due

Description: Displays a list of patients with upcoming, at risk and past due recertifications. Patients who are 15 to 30 days away from recertification are listed under upcoming recertifications. Patients who are 1 to 14 days away from recertification are classified as at risk. Patients with past due recertifications are listed under past due. This report assists with state and regulatory surveys and facilitates compliance with recertification requirements. 

Parameters: Status, Team, Branch, Date

Report Includes: Patient Name, MRN, Branch, Team, Recertification Date, Status

Patient by Physician Listing

Description: Displays a list of patients categorized by physician. This report enables users to identify the total number of patients for each physician.

Parameters: Attending Physician, Patient Status

Report Includes: Patient Name, Attending Physician, Hospice Physician, Address, City, State, Zip, Primary Phone, Gender, Status

Advance Directives

Description: Displays a list of patients sorted by code status. Based on their documented advance directives, patients are identified as full code, DNR, or no advance directives. This report gives clinicians an at-a-glance view of code statuses for all patients to enable timely and appropriate preparations for emergent care. 

Parameters: Advance Directive Status, Team, Branch

Report Includes: Patient Name, MRN, Branch, Team, Advance Directive

Billing and Financial Reports

Reasons Preventing Billing

Description: Displays a list of tasks and claims that may prevent billing. Tasks shown in this report are Physician Order, Hospice Physician Certification of Terminal Illness, or Hospice Physician Face-to-Face Visit. All tasks and claims display in chronological order from oldest to newest. This report is vital to monitor clinical and financial operations and ensure timely claim submissions.

Parameters: Task Preventing Billing, Branch, Team

Report Includes: Patient Name, MRN, Branch, Team, Task, Status 

Bill Holds

Description: Displays a list of tasks and claims that may delay billing. Tasks shown in this report are incomplete and have a scheduled date from the previous month or prior. Claims in this report have not yet been submitted and have a From date that is earlier than the first day of the prior month. All tasks and claims display in chronological order from oldest to newest. This report is vital to monitor clinical and financial operations and ensure timely claim submissions.

Parameters: Bill Hold (Select at least one option under Bill Hold or select Sequential Billing to view claims.)

Report Includes: For Tasks: Task, Status, Patient Name, Employee, Schedule Start, Schedule End For Claims: Patient Name, Bill Type, Claim Date Range, Status, Prior Claim Status 

Statistical Reports

Cap Statistics

Description: Displays cap statistics for the given cap year. This report will include most of the information needed to calculate the inpatient and aggregate cap amounts within the selected cap year.

Parameters: Branch, Reporting Year

Report Includes: Levels of Care, Days, Charges, Electronic Payments, Other Payments, Net Medicare Payments, Net Adjustments, Estimated Medicare Beneficiaries, Total Medicare Inpatient Days, Maximum Inpatient Days Allowed, Days Under/Over Maximum Inpatient Days, Net Inpatient Days Reimbursement, Allowable Medicare Payments, Estimated Amount Under/Over Cap 

Clinical Reports

On-Call Stats

Description: Displays a list of on-call visits performed after hours.

Parameters: Date Range, Branch, Team

Report Includes: Patient Name, MRN, Branch, Team, Task, Status, Employee, Schedule Start, Schedule End

Orders Pending QA Approval

Description: Displays a list of tasks pending QA approval or tasks being returned for addendums. All tasks will display in chronological order from oldest to newest. This report is vital to monitor clinical documentation and ensure compliance.

Parameters: Orders Preventing Billing, Branch, Team

Report Includes: Patient Name, MRN, Branch, Team, Order Type

Updated on 1/16/2020