
Report Center Updates

Reports have been added in the Report Center to deliver greater insight into agency operations and enable organizations to stay compliant and thoroughly prepare for surveying.

Reports tab ➜ Report Center

The following new reports have been added in the Report Center under the respective categories:

Patient Reports

Emergency Preparedness Patient List
Description: Displays patients’ emergency preparedness planning information and triage level to enable quick identification of patients who require assistance during an emergency or disaster. Evacuation zone information entered in Patient Charts is also provided in this report.
Parameters: Branch, Status, Emergency Triage Level
Report Includes: MRN, Patient Name, Patient Mobile Phone, Terminal Diagnosis, Hospice Physician, Attending Physician, Patient Status, Triage Level, Primary Emergency Contact Information (Relationship, Mobile Phone, Alternate Phone, Email), Evacuation Information (Address, Zone, Mobile Phone, Alternate Phone)

Billing and Financial Reports

Payment and Adjustment Activity
Description: Displays payment and adjustment activity for a selected time period. This report displays activity based on the payment/adjustment post date (financial date of record) or transaction date (when the item was entered into the system by a user).
Parameters: Branch, Payer Type, Payer, Posting Date, Transaction Date, Transaction Type
Report Includes: Payer Type, Payer, Branch, MRN, Patient Name, Patient Status, Claim Start Date, Claim End Date, Bill Type, Claim Status, Claim Billed Date, Claim Amount ($), Balance Before Selected Start Date ($), Tran Code, Adjustment Reason, Transaction Date, Post Date, Check Number, Payment ($), Adjustment ($), Current Balance ($)

Statistical Reports

Median Length of Stay

Description: Displays the median length of stay for patients whose discharge date falls within the selected date range. 

Parameters: Branch, Payer, Date Range  

Report Includes: Patient Name, Branch, Patient Status, Payer, Admission Date, Discharge Date, Length of Stay 

Clinical Reports

Outstanding Orders by Age

Description: Displays a list of orders waiting to be sent to the physician or pending the physician’s signature. Users can sort and filter by age to categorize orders based on the length of time each order has spent in outstanding status. This report is crucial for tracking physician orders to maintain compliance and streamline billing processes. 

Parameters: Order Age, Branch, Team 

Report Includes: Patient Name, MRN, Branch, Team, Order Age, Order Status, Order Type 

Top Outstanding Orders by Physician

Description: Displays a list of outstanding orders that have been sent to the physician. 

Parameters: Branch, Physician, Order Type, Date Range 

Report Includes: Branch, Physician, Patient Name, Order Type, Order Date, Sent Date 

Visit Alerts

Description: Displays a list of all visits sorted by status. 

Parameters: Branch, Assigned To, Status, Date Range  

Report Includes: Branch, Patient Name, Assigned To, Visit Type, Visit Date, Visit Status 

Outstanding Orders by Type

Description: Displays a list of outstanding orders sorted by To Be Sent or Sent to Physician status. 

Parameters: Branch, Order Type, Order Status, Date Range 

Report Includes: Patient Name, Branch, Physician, Order Type, Order Date, Order Status, Approval Date, Sent Date 

Overlapping Frequency Report

Description: Displays a list of overlapping frequencies for an identified effective date. 

Parameters: Effective Date, Branch, Discipline 

Report Includes: Patient Name, Branch, Team, Discipline, Frequency, Start Date, End Date 

Updated on 1/23/2020