
Unbilled Visits Report

Axxess Hospice now provides a report that enables users to view unbilled visits. This feature increases revenue by ensuring all visits are completed before billing.

Unbilled Visits Report

To access the Unbilled Visits Report, navigate to the Report Center under the Reports tab. In the Billing and Financial Reports section, select Unbilled Visits Report.

Reports tab ➜ Report Center ➜ Billing and Financial Reports ➜ Unbilled Visits Report

When the report is selected, a list of previously requested reports will display. Select Request Report to request a report.

When requesting a report, users have the option to select a branch, payer and enter a date range. Once completed, select Request Report.

Select Export to export the report.

The following header will appear in Excel.

The report displays the following columns: Branch, Payer, MRN, Patient Last Name, Patient First Name, Visit/Task Name, Service Date, Revenue Code, Procedure Code, Visit Status, Service Units, Employee Name, Claim Status and Billable Charge Amount.

Updated on 11/07/2024