
Training Videos

Watch Axxess Hospice training videos on demand.

Logging in to Axxess

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for logging in to the solution and resetting your password in Axxess Hospice.

Axxess Planner Overview

This training video provides an overview of the Axxess Planner.

My Dashboard Overview

This training video provides an overview of My Dashboard in Axxess Hospice.

Main Menu Overview

This training video provides an overview of the main menu in Axxess Hospice.

Profile Management

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for accessing your profile settings and making changes in Axxess Hospice.

Message Center

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for accessing the message center and creating messages in Axxess Hospice.

Patient Dashboard

This training video provides an overview of the Patient Dashboard in Axxess Hospice.

Accelerated Payment Dashboard

This training video provides an overview of the accelerated payment dashboard in Axxess Hospice.

Admin Dashboard Overview

This training video provides an overview of the permissions and titles on the dashboard in Axxess Hospice.

Company Setup: Company Information, Financial and Billing

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for entering your company’s information. It also reviews open and closed accounts in Axxess Hospice.

Company Setup: Clinical Options

This training video provides an overview of the company setup options, including hospice aide and homemaker care plans in Axxess Hospice.

Company Setup: Operations

This training video provides an overview of the company setup options, including generating medical record numbers, patient tags and more in Axxess Hospice.

Company Setup: Scheduling

This training video provides an overview of activating and deactivating tasks that can be scheduled within the organization in Axxess Hospice.

Company Setup: Payroll

This training video provides an overview of the company setup options for payroll in Axxess Hospice.

Company Setup: Subscription Plans

This training video provides an overview of subscription plans in Axxess Hospice.

Adding a Physician

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding a new physician in Axxess Hospice.

Insurance/Payer: Edit Medicare Payer

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for editing the default Medicare payer in the Insurance/Payer section in Axxess Hospice.

Insurance/Payer: Fee Schedule Setup

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for setting up the Fee Schedule in the Insurance/Payer section in Axxess Hospice.

Room and Board Setup

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for setting up the Room and Board payer in Patient Chart and Vendor in Insurance/Payer in Axxess Hospice.

Adding a Pharmacy

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding a new pharmacy in Axxess Hospice.

Custom Medications and Order Sets

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding new custom medications and order sets in Axxess Hospice.

Adding DME

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding new DME in Axxess Hospice.

Adding a Vendor

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding a new vendor in Axxess Hospice.

Adding Supplies

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding new supplies in Axxess Hospice.

Adding Document Types

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding document types in Axxess Hospice.

Adding an Adjustment

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding a billing adjustment code in Axxess Hospice.

Adding a Template

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding a new template in Axxess Hospice.

Lists and Databases

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding, editing and viewing different lists and databases in Axxess Hospice.

Adding Teams and Groups for IDG

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding teams and groups for IDG in Axxess Hospice.

Adding New User Information

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding new user information in Axxess Hospice.

User Permissions: Administration

This training video provides an overview of administration permissions in Axxess Hospice.

User Permissions: Clinical, Billing and Reports

This training video provides an overview of clinical, billing and reports permissions in Axxess Hospice.

User Payroll Selections

This training video provides an overview of employee specific payroll settings, adding new pay rates and copying existing rates to another employee in Axxess Hospice.

Payroll Task Approval

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for approving and disapproving payroll tasks in Axxess Hospice.


This training video provides step-by-step instructions for finding existing inquiries and adding new inquiries in Axxess Hospice.

Adding Referral Information and Demographics

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding referral information and demographics in Axxess Hospice.

Adding Payers to Referrals

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding payers to referrals.

Adding Referral Admission and Clinical Information

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding admission and clinical information to referrals in Axxess Hospice.

Adding Documents and Preadmission Notes to Referrals

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding documents and preadmission notes to referrals in Axxess Hospice.

Adding Authorized Contacts

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding authorized contacts in Axxess Hospice.

Converting a Referral to Pending or Non-Admit

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for converting a referral to pending or non-admit status in Axxess Hospice.

Admission: RN Initial/Comprehensive Assessment

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for completing an RN Initial/Comprehensive Assessment to admit a patient in Axxess Hospice.

Clinical Evaluation/LCD Visits

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for reviewing the links for the LCD/Clinical Evaluation within visits in Axxess Hospice.

Adding and Editing Frequencies

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding and editing frequencies in Axxess Hospice.

Initial Plan of Care

This training video provides step-by-step information for creating an initial plan of care during the admission process in Axxess Hospice.

Hospice Aide Care Plan

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for assigning and documenting tasks to the Hospice Aide Care Plan in Axxess Hospice.

Managing Consents

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for the permissions needed to manage consents in Axxess Hospice.

Schedule Dashboard

This training video provides an overview of the permissions needed to view the Schedule Dashboard in Axxess Hospice.

Orders Dashboard

This training video provides an overview of the permissions needed to view the Orders Dashboard in Axxess Hospice.

Hospice Item Set (HIS) Overview

This training video provides an overview of the Hospice Item Set in Axxess Hospice.

Quality Assurance (QA) Center Overview

This training video provides an overview of the Quality Assurance (QA) Center in Axxess Hospice.

Orders Management Overview

This training video provides an overview of Orders Management in Axxess Hospice.

Co-signature Overview

This training video provides an overview of the permissions needed to co-sign notes and orders in Axxess Hospice.

Downloading a Patient’s Chart

This training video provides an overview of the permissions needed to download a patient’s chart in Axxess Hospice.

Benefit Period Manager

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for viewing and editing the benefit period manager in Axxess Hospice.

Adding Addendums to Non-Covered Items

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding addendums to non-covered items in Axxess Hospice.

Advanced Scheduling

This training video provides an overview of the advanced scheduling process in Axxess Hospice.

Scheduling On-Call and PRN Visits

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for scheduling on-call and PRN visits in Axxess Hospice.

Care Coordination Note

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for completing a care coordination note in Axxess Hospice.

Bereavement Assessment

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for documenting a bereavement assessment with a bereavement plan of care in Axxess Hospice.

Bereavement Overview

This training video provides an overview of the Bereavement section in Axxess Hospice.

Scheduling a Volunteer Comprehensive Assessment Visit

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for scheduling a volunteer comprehensive assessment visit in Axxess Hospice.

Volunteer Coordinator Note

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for completing a volunteer coordinator note in Axxess Hospice.

Volunteer Visit Note

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for documenting a volunteer visit in Axxess Hospice.

Spiritual Counselor Comprehensive Assessments Overview

This training video provides an overview of spiritual counselor comprehensive assessments in Axxess Hospice.

Psychosocial Visits Overview

This training video provides an overview of psychosocial visits in Axxess Hospice.

Suicide Risk Assessment

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for scheduling and completing a suicide risk assessment in Axxess Hospice.

Therapy Visit Overview

This training video provides an overview of therapy visits in Axxess Hospice.

Dietary Counselor Assessment

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for documenting a dietary counselor assessment in Axxess Hospice.

Documenting a Skilled Nurse Visit

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for documenting a skilled nurse visit in Axxess Hospice.

Wound Worksheet Overview

This training video provides an overview of the wound worksheet in Axxess Hospice.

Medication Profile Overview

This training video provides an overview of the medication profile in Axxess Hospice.

Order Sets and Custom Medications Overview

This training video provides an overview of order sets and custom medications in Axxess Hospice.

eMAR Overview

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for printing, reviewing and documenting the eMAR in Axxess Hospice.

Adding and Discontinuing Medications

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding and discontinuing medications in Axxess Hospice.


This training video provides an overview of adding, editing and discontinuing allergies in Axxess Hospice.

Drug Interaction

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for reviewing and printing drug interactions in Axxess Hospice.

Infection Reports and Logs

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for documenting infections and reviewing the infection log in Axxess Hospice.

Infectious Disease Profile

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for performing a COVID-19 screening in Axxess Hospice.

Incident/Accident Report

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for scheduling and completing an incident/accident report in Axxess Hospice.

COVID-19 Screening in Patient Charts

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for completing COVID-19 screenings for patients and caregivers in Axxess Hospice.

Documenting Related and Unrelated Items

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for documenting related and unrelated items in Axxess Hospice.

Creating Physician Orders

This training video provides an overview of the permissions needed to add, edit and view orders, as well as the process of adding new physician orders in Axxess Hospice.

Supervisory Visits

This training video provides an overview of supervisory notes for LVN/LPN, homemaker and hospice aide visits in Axxess Hospice.

Nursing Telehealth Overview

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for documenting a telehealth visit in Axxess Hospice.

RN Recertification Documentation

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for documenting the difference between RN initial, comprehensive and recertification visits in Axxess Hospice.

Documenting GIP and Continuous Care

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for documenting a GIP and continuous care shift note in Axxess Hospice.

Live Discharge Process

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for updating a plan of care, entering a physician’s order, and completing a visit during a live discharge in Axxess Hospice.

Documenting a Death

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for documenting a death in Axxess Hospice.

Documenting a Missed Visit

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for documenting a missed visit from the patient and employee schedule in Axxess Hospice.

Documentation Addendum

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for correcting a document that has been completed in Axxess Hospice.

Hospice Aide Documentation

This training video provides an overview of hospice aide documentation, including the care plan and visit notes in Axxess Hospice.

Mobile App Overview

This training video provides an overview of the mobile app in Axxess Hospice.

Certification of Terminal Illness Documentation

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for obtaining assessment information from the patient chart and how to save the information in Axxess Hospice.

Nurse Practitioner Face-to-Face Visit

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for a nurse practitioner’s face-to-face visit in Axxess Hospice.

Hospice Physician Face-to-Face Visit

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for documenting a physician’s face-to-face visit in Axxess Hospice.

Axxess Physician Portal

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for granting users access to the physician portal in Axxess Hospice.

Signing Orders for Providers

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for signing orders electronically in Axxess Hospice.

IDG: Teams and Groups Setup and Management

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding teams and groups to an organization in Axxess Hospice.

IDG: Sending Notes to IDG Summary and Adding to IDG Summary Outside of a Visit

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for creating and writing an IDG summary while in the visit note and outside of a visit in Axxess Hospice.

IDG: Prep Report

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for attending, signing in and adding users to an IDG meeting in Axxess Hospice.

IDG: Overview

This training video provides an overview of the IDG Center in Axxess Hospice.

IDG: Demonstration

This training video provides an overview of an IDG meeting in Axxess Hospice.

Billing Overview

This training video provides an overview of the Billing section in Axxess Hospice.

Billing Dashboard

This training video provides an overview of the billing dashboard in Axxess Hospice.

Billing Requirements in Patient Charts

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for billing requirements in patient charts in Axxess Hospice.

Revenue Cycle Management (RCM)

This training video provides an overview of the revenue cycle management in Axxess Hospice.

Axxess DDE

This training video provides an overview of Axxess DDE in Axxess Hospice.

Submitting a Claim, NOE and NOTR

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for submitting a claim, NOE and NOTR in Axxess Hospice.

Billing a Medicare Claim

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for how Medicare claims are created and how to review, edit and submit a claim in Axxess Hospice.

Medicare Advantage Organization Model/VBID Claims

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for setting up insurances/payers and patients to automatically generate claims for patients in participating Medicare advantage organizations in Axxess Hospice.

Insurance/Payer: CMS-1500 Claim

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding an insurance/payer to a CMS-1500 claim in Axxess Hospice.

Insurance/Payer: UB-04 Claim

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding an insurance/payer to a UB-04 claim in Axxess Hospice.

Adding Authorization

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding authorizations needed to bill payers in Axxess Hospice.

Billing Claims With Authorizations

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for billing claims with authorizations in Axxess Hospice.

Room and Board Claims Review

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for reviewing room and board claims and verifying claim submissions through RCM in Axxess Hospice.

Creating Claims Manually

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for creating claims manually in Axxess Hospice.

Creating Remittances and Linking Claims

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for manually creating remittance advices and linking claims in Axxess Hospice.

Report Center Overview

This training video provides an overview of the Report Center in Axxess Hospice.

Billing Reports

This training video provides an overview of the reports to review for billing preparation in Axxess Hospice.

Admission Report

This training video provides an overview of the Admission Report in Axxess Hospice.

Deceased Patients Report

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for accessing the Deceased Patients Report in Axxess Hospice.

Volunteer Center, Task and Volunteer Activity Report

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for setting up volunteer tasks for reporting and generating the Volunteer Activity Report in Axxess Hospice.

Readmit Discharged Patient

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for readmitting a patient in Axxess Hospice.

Family Portal

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for granting authorized contacts access to the Family Portal through Axxess Hospice.

Hospice Item Set (HIS) Export Manager

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for managing the HIS export process in Axxess Hospice.

Update Task Type

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for updating the task type of a scheduled task in Axxess Hospice.

Private Pay Invoices

This training video provides step-by-step instructions for creating an invoice in Axxess Hospice.