
Telehealth Visit Note

The Telehealth Visit Note in Axxess Home Care facilitates seamless documentation of telehealth visits.

To activate the Telehealth Visit Note, navigate to Company Setup under the Admin tab. In Company Setup, select the Document Management tab and click New. Select Telehealth Visit in the Documentation drop-down menu and complete the remaining fields.

The Telehealth Visit Note can be made billable, payable or both, and users can attach addendums (e.g., orders) as well. Once all fields in the New Custom Note window are complete, click Save to finish activating the Telehealth Visit Note.

Admin tab ➜ Company Setup ➜ Document Management tab ➜ New ➜ Telehealth Visit in Documentation menu ➜ Save

Once activated, the Telehealth Visit Note can be scheduled for documentation and completion, and will follow the same workflow as other visit note documentation.