
Essential Personnel Badge

The electronic ID badge for essential personnel enables clinicians to demonstrate essential designation and bypass shelter-in-place restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Clinicians can access and present the badge to facilities and authorities to verify authorized entry into locations where patients are located during the pandemic.

This feature enables clinicians and caregivers to continue providing the care and services that patients need throughout the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure seamless care delivery and optimal patient outcomes.

To access the ID badge, log in to the Axxess Home Health application on your mobile device and click the blue Electronic ID Badge button at the bottom of the home screen.

The following information appears on the ID badge:

Employee Photo

If the employee has a photo on file in Axxess Home Health, the photo automatically appears on the user’s ID badge. If there is not a photo attached to the employee file, or if the user would like to change the photo, a new photo can be taken or uploaded to the ID badge.

Essential Personnel

The badge identifies the employee as essential personnel pursuant to FEMA Public Assistance Sec. 403 Essential Assistance (42 U.S.C. 5170b).

Agency Name and Phone Number

The agency name and branch phone numbers associated with the employee appear on the badge, so facilities or authorities can contact the agency if further verification is required.

Employee Credentials

The employee’s credentials appear in a blue panel at the bottom of the ID badge.

To exit the Electronic ID Badge screen, select the three-line menu in the top left corner and navigate away from the badge to the desired location.