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OASIS Submission



OASIS Export Creation

Create/OASIS Export


Once OASIS documentation is complete and approved in the QA Center go to OASIS Export.


Within the OASIS Export Screen, sort and filter by the below items.

  • Branch: Filters by location/branch (if more than one).
  • Assessment Date RangeDefaults to the previous 60 days from the current date. The date range may be changed. To refresh the OASIS displaying, select “Generate.”
  • Payment SourceDefaults to Medicare (traditional fee-for-service). The Payment Source may be changed or updated to include additional payment sources. To refresh the OASIS displaying, select “Generate.”
  • Check/Uncheck All: Allows the user to check/uncheck all OASIS currently filtered to allow for batch saving of documents.
  • Export to ExcelThis function allows the generated list to be exported to Excel for further analysis.

NOTE: To ensure a comprehensive list of available OASIS is displayed, it is recommended that all Payment Sources are selected, and the Date Range is set from the beginning of the year to today’s date.


Select (check) the patient OASIS records that will be submitted and select the “Generate OASIS File” button.


This action will generate a zipped XML file instead of a text file format used for state submission.  Select “Save” and “OK” if prompted by your browser


The file will automatically save to the Downloads file folder on the computer. Once a specific folder is created for OASIS submissions, simply drag and drop the zip folder into the designated folder.


While it is not necessary to open the file before submission, to open the zipped XML file, a zip file version software will be needed such as Win-Zip or 7-Zip. If opened, the file will need to be “rezipped” before uploading to CMS. When opened, the XML OASIS file follows this format:


Once the OASIS files have been exported, users may upload the file to CMS through the internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES).



Marking an OASIS as Exported

Once an OASIS is transmitted, the Final Validation Report is received, and the record was accepted, the file should be marked as exported in the OASIS Export screen.

NOTE: This step is critical for an agency’s ability to bill.


To mark an OASIS as exported, select “Mark Selected as Exported.” If the OASIS does not need to be exported, select “Mark Selected as Completed (Not Exported).” To view and edit the list of Exported and Not Exported OASIS, access View/Exported OASIS or Not Exported OASIS.


For both Exported and Not Exported OASIS, a grid will populate with the following search filters.

  • Branch: Filters by location/branch (if more than one).
  • Status: Defaults to Active patients. The status may be changed to view All or Discharged patients.
  • Exported Date RangeDefaults to the previous 60 days from the current date. The date range may be changed. To refresh the OASIS displaying, select “Generate.”
  • Export to ExcelThis function allows the generated list to be exported to Excel for further analysis.



OASIS Corrections – Key Fields

View/List of Exported OASIS


If an error has been made in one or more key fields, or if an assessment was submitted in error, a cancellation should be generated and submitted to CMS. To generate the cancellation, access the exported OASIS through the menu bar.


In the event, the OASIS had been accepted by CMS, locate the OASIS and under the Correction # column, select “Edit.”


A popup box will appear explaining the correction number procedures. For the OASIS that was accepted, select “Edit” and update the correction number to 01. Select “Edit” at the bottom of the popup.


The user is returned to the Exported OASIS screen. Select “Generate Cancel.”  This action will generate a zipped XML file instead of a text file format used for state submission.  Follow the prompts to save the file to the appropriate file folder. Once the OASIS Cancellation files have been exported, users may upload the file to the CMS (QIES/QTSO) following internal agency processes.


Once the cancellation has been uploaded to CMS (QIES/QTSO) https://qtso.cms.gov/ and was accepted per the Final Validation, select “Reopen.”


A confirmation box will appear to remind users the OASIS will need to be resubmitted if already accepted by CMS. Enter the reason for the for reopening and select “Yes, Reopen.” Selecting “No, Cancel” will take the user back to their list of exported OASIS.


Once “Yes, Reopen” is selected, access the patient chart through Patients/Patient Charts. In the patient chart, the status of the OASIS is now listed as Reopened. Reopen the OASIS by selecting the appropriate blue highlighted Task. Complete the required updates to the OASIS and Select “Save & Continue” at the end of the OASIS. The OASIS will now flow to the QA Center for approval and once approved, back to the OASIS Export Screen. Locate the OASIS and under the Correction # column, select “Edit” and change the correction number to 00.


NOTE: Only the assigned clinician will have the ability to make the update. Pending specific agency policy, select Menu>Reassign to update the user assigned to this task.




OASIS Corrections – Non-Key Fields

If an error has been made in one or more Non-Key Fields, a cancellation file is not required, however, if the OASIS was accepted by the CMS, the corrected file will need to be exported and resubmitted. To correct Non-Key Fields, reopen the assessment from the exported OASIS screen.


A confirmation box will appear to remind that the OASIS will need to be resubmitted if already accepted by CMS. Enter the reason for the for reopening and select “Yes, Reopen.”


Once “Yes, Reopen” is selected, access the patient chart through Patients/Patient Charts. In the patient chart, the status of the OASIS is now listed as Reopened.  Reopen the OASIS by selecting the appropriate blue highlighted Task. Complete the required updates to the OASIS and Select “Save & Continue” at the end of the OASIS. The OASIS will now flow to the QA Center for approval and once approved, back to the OASIS Export Screen.


Upon return to the OASIS Export screen, the Correction number will automatically update from 00 to 01. If the correction number needs to be updated prior to generating the OASIS file. Select “Edit” under the Correction # column and update the number accordingly.



Select “Edit” to close the box and continue to the export process outlined above.



Key vs. Non-Key Fields

Below are key field descriptions. Non-Key fields are all other fields comprising the OASIS data set.




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