Go to www.axxess.com, and select on “Client Login”, located in the upper, right-hand corner.
Enter the username and password then select “Secure Login.”
The Username is the email address assigned to the user’s account when it was created. The Password was created by the user, from a link that was sent to this email address. This password will also be the user’s electronic signature.
If the user forgets their password, select Forgot your Password, and a link will be sent to this email address. The user will be able to reset their password, however, the electronic signature will remain the same (Resetting Signature will be covered later). After the correct username and password have been entered, the following message will display:
Select “OK” and the user will see the Clinician Planner.
On the left-hand side of the screen, is a list of agencies that the user works with, as well as multiple products their agencies subscribe to.
Green – Current Location
Red – Visit Location
Blue – Selected Visit
Select the marker to view the details of the visit.
Select “Get Directions” and this will take the user to Google Maps, giving step by step list of directions and the visual map.
Opens upon login. Below are the six tiles for all clinicians:
Select the “More” hyperlink in the bottom right-hand corner of the tile to view the entire list of scheduled tasks.
Tasks will show in three different colors:
Hovering over a task will give the following options:
See the tasks in a list by selecting the “List Tasks” button at the top right or the List Tasks tab on the bottom right. Selecting the blue arrow button below the Action column will give users the same functionality as hovering in the calendar view.
Sticky Notes:
Red – Return Reason from either QA Center or another clinician.
Yellow – A note pertaining specifically to this visit, that communicates to other users.
Blue – A note that has information for every visit in a care period (ex. A gate code or where to park). This information will appear in a sticky note on every visit in that care period.
Missed Visit Form – Select the Missed Visit Form icon and a window will pop up, asking whether an Order [was] Generated, Physician Office Notified, Reason, Comments, and the user’s Signature and Date. Then select the “Submit” button Once submitted, the visit will turn red.
Hovering over the missed visit will allow you to Restore if mistakenly missed.
Home/My Account/Edit Profile
If the user knows their current password and/or signature they can come to this screen and update with new information. If they do not remember their current signature, they will have to reset their signature.
Home/My Account/Reset Signature
When users select “Reset Signature,” a link will be sent to the email address listed in the message, allowing them to create a new signature.
Clients/Client Center
Filter by:
Client’s snapshot at the top of the screen gives a quick view of the client’s demographics. Select “More” to view the client’s Address, Phone Number, Physician Contact info and Emergency contact.
A list of tasks in the current care period will display at the bottom of the screen. Filter the “Group By” and “Show” dropdown menus to change viewing parameters.
Select the task/note and start charting, if they are not complete. Selecting the blue triangle (under the Action column) will allow viewing of the Details (permissions based):
NOTE: The following Quick Reports are permissions based.
PDF print out of the client information taken at admission.
Add Medication:
Decide whether the new medication should “Create Order.” If there are more medications to enter, select the “Add Another Medication” if not, select the “Close” button. Once a medication is added, it will appear on the active Medications. Edit/Delete/Discontinue this medication by hovering over the triangle on the right-hand side of the medication.
Check for Drug Interactions:
Once any updates are made to the Medication Profile, it will need to be signed. Select “Sign Medication Profile” in the upper left. A window pops up with the Medication Profile, allowing users to enter their signature and date.
To view any prior signed Medication Profiles, select “Signed Medication Profiles” and a window will pop up with a list of previously signed profiles. Select the printer icon to view and/or print the signed Medication Profile or select the “Edit” or “Delete” hyperlinks to make updates.
This pulls a list of all added allergies for the client. To add an allergy, select “Add Allergy.”
Type in the name of the Allergy and the Type of allergy. Select “Save & Exit” and the allergy will be added to the report. If there are additional allergies, select the “Save & Add Another” button.
There is a list of Inactive Immunizations in the bottom part of the window. To restore, select the “Reactivate” hyperlink. To add an Immunization, select the button in the top left, “Add Immunization.” Choose the Type, Administration Date, and Administered By. Once completed, select the “Save & Close” button. Select “Save & Add Another” if more than one is being entered.
This report will give a list of all the Communication Notes created for this client. The report will also show who created the note, the date and also provide a PDF to view, print and/or download.
Select the printer icon and a PDF document will generate with the ability to “Print” and/or “Download”:
This report will list out all the Orders and Care Plans for this client. This list is a quick way to view these orders when trying to locate a specific one. The list provides the basic details of the orders with the ability to view, print and/or export the document:
Verify that this is the correct date range. Select the printer icon and a PDF document will appear with the ability to “Print” and/or “Download”:
This report pulls a chart of all the prior vital signs documented on visits and a graphic view of their trends. There is also a Vital Signs Log that shows a summary list of all the vitals taken:
This report shows all documented seizures by the client. New records can only be added inside of a visit.
This report shows records of medications that were taken or refused/not taken. The report can be viewed by day, week or month. Medications taken are displayed in green and medications refused/not taken are in red.
Edit the medication log by hovering over the scheduled medication time and selecting the edit icon or if it should not be there select the trash icon to delete. To document a medication being taken that was not scheduled, select an empty square on the calendar. A new window will open. Enter the Log Time, whether it was taken, the User, User Initial and any comments. Select “Save & Close” when complete.
This report documents the input and output for clients. The report can be viewed by day, week or month. Output is displayed in green and input items are in red. The I&O log can also be filtered with these colors or select “All” to show both.
Edit the I&O log by hovering over the input/out and selecting the edit icon or if it should not be there, select the trash icon to delete. To document input/output, select an empty square on the calendar. A new window will open. Enter the Log Date and Time. The type will be chosen dependent on where the user selected. This can be changed with the Type dropdown. Enter the amount and add any comments. Select “Save & Close” when complete.
This report will show a list of all tasks that included Ventilator documentation.
This report will show a list of any time the client was hospitalized.
Hospitalizations cannot be entered from here. They must be entered from Client Center/Change Status and they will move from the active census to a status of Hospitalized.
This report shows all current authorizations listed for the client. Authorizations are typically added by the Biller/Scheduler (Office Staff).
This quick report will pull up a PDF version of the client’s Emergency Preparedness Plan/Triage Classification based on what was answered during the assessment. Select the “Print” button at the bottom to get a copy of the form.
See Deleting a Task below
Client Center/Create/Order
The New Order window below will appear:
Client Center/Create/Communication Note
The New Communication Note window below opens:
Client Center/Create/Authorization
The New Authorization window below opens:
Select the View tab to see any of the Quick Reports that are listed in the top right of the Client Center.
Client Center/Schedule/Schedule Activity
Select “Schedule Activity” to be taken to the Schedule Center already filtered for the client. See Schedule Center below.
Client Center/Documents/Upload Document
To add any documents/attachments to the client’s chart, select “Upload Document.” A new window will open for a new document. “Browse” for a file saved on the computer, give the document a name that will appear in the client’s chart, and select the Upload Type. Then select “Upload.”
Client Center/Documents/View Documents
Documents that have been uploaded will display. Select the “Edit” or “Delete” hyperlink to make updates. A new document can be uploaded from here by selecting the “Add Document” button in the top right.
Client Center/Schedule Activity or Schedule/Schedule Center
The left column provides the ability to view client and employee calendars/schedules. The default search is by CLIENT. Selecting Employee updates the criteria and results to the employee. The Schedule Center has a list of menus located at the top of the screen that will assist with preparing and managing the client’s schedule.
The calendar defaults to a month view of the current month. View by calendar or select the “List Tasks” button in the top right or the List Tasks tab in the bottom right to see tasks stacked in a grid. Select the Hide List tab to get back to the calendar view.
Tasks are shown in a color that corresponds to the status of the task. The following is the color legend:
Schedule Center/New/Client Task or select any free space on desired time of task.
Choose a shift length and whether to Override Shift Length or Schedule without Time by selecting the check boxes. Enter the From and To date and time. Choose the Payment Source, Task, Recurrence and the Caregiver/Employee completing the task. There is an optional Comments box with a 1,000 character limit. Select “Save and Close” for adding a single task and select “Save & Add Another” if there is more than one.
After adding a task, hover over the task in the Schedule Center for more options. There are options to Document, Print, Missed Visit Form, Edit Scheduled Date/Time, Reassign or Delete.
Task Details: In the List Tasks view on the right-hand side of the screen (under the Action column) will be a Menu drop-down option Details for all tasks (permissions based).
The window will open, displaying the details of the task. Make edits to the task, add comments, add attachments or view the Activity Log. Select “Save” to keep any updates.
Hover over a task and select the trash icon or (from the Task List view) go to the Menu drop-down and select “Delete” to remove a task. The confirmation below will appear:
Select “Yes” and the task will be deleted, but still stored in the “Deleted Tasks/Documents” in the Clients Chart. Select the “Restore” hyperlink to reactivate.
When charting information in the Start of Care (SOC) visit, some information has already pulled in from the client’s profile. Make sure all required questions get filled in the rest of the visit. This will be indicated by red asterisks.
When all information is complete, select the “Check for Errors” button. A window will open showing any warnings or errors.
Warnings will have a yellow triangle icon. This message is the software letting users know of things they may want to look at before submitting the OASIS and is not a hard stop. A fatal error will be a red stop
icon. This message is the system letting users know this question either needed to be answered or answered differently. Users cannot finish this OASIS with red error messages. Confirm the HIPPS Code, OASIS Claim Matching Key, and HHRG scores all have a code. These codes are going to affect billing, so they should not be blank.
Before finishing the OASIS, users can run the “OASIS Scrubber” by selecting the red button in the bottom left. Axxess has integration in place with SHP for OASIS Audits. This will look for any inconsistencies or flags that the agency may want to address. These audits are not necessarily wrong, the scrubber is looking for inconsistencies.
After all audits have been addressed, make sure the Time In and Time Out is filled out. Then enter the signature, date, and select “Complete.” Once the OASIS is finished, it will be sent to the QA Center for approval.
A great resource that is available 24/7 is our Help Center. It is a place to get answers to frequently asked questions or watch videos of all Axxess products. It can be accessed by going to:
Help/Support & Training/Help Center
Or also available at https://www.axxess.com/help/